Cundy Street Quarter

The Cundy Street Quarter is a sustainable mixed-use neighbourhood in central London.

Masterplanned and designed by DSDHA, the 1.77 hectare scheme provides 88 affordable homes, specialist senior living accommodation for up to 170 people and 75 open market homes. These will be framed by new amenities and improved green spaces shaped by locals and introduce a flexible community hub, food store and cinema to the area.

Better living standards and green spaces are at the heart of the design. All affordable homes will be up to 50% larger than existing homes, cheaper to run, and have dedicated communal gardens and play spaces. 

The proposals will open up new public routes across the site, which is currently closed off, and deliver new public green space. A £2m+ investment in Ebury Square, 65 additional trees and 27,000 sq ft of green and blue roofs will enhance local biodiversity and reduce water consumption.

Architect: DSDHA
Masterplanner: DSDHA
Project Manager and Cost Consultant: Gardiner & Theobald
Planning Consultant: Gerald Eve
Structural Engineer: Heyne Tillett Steel
Services Engineer: Cundall
Landscape Architect: Todd Longstaffe-Gowan

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